SPA, Salon, Lounge, Table Booking & Billing Software Source Code

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SPA, Salon, Bar, Lounge, Table Booking & Billing Software Source Code

Very Easy to Use With Advance Table Management Software

Vue PHP Laravel Bootstrap CSS HTML


This Project is Developed by Praveen Kumar
LinkedIn Profile:

SPA, Salon, Bar, Lounge, Table Booking & Billing Software Source Code

Looking for a convenient and hassle-free way to manage your spa, salon, lounge, or restaurant? Our cutting-edge SPA, Salon, Lounge, Table Booking & Billing Software has got you covered!

With our powerful and intuitive software, you can easily manage appointments, book tables, and handle billing all from one centralized platform. Our software also features advanced reporting and analytics capabilities, allowing you to track key metrics and make data-driven decisions. 

Our user-friendly interface ensures that you can quickly and easily manage your business, freeing up your time to focus on providing exceptional customer service. Powered by the latest technology, our SPA, Salon, Lounge, Table Booking & Billing Software is fast, secure, and reliable, making it the ideal solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations and boost their bottom line. Whether you're a small business owner or a large enterprise, our software has everything you need to succeed.


1. Very Esay To Use Salon, SPA, Lounge Billing & Table Management Software
2. Multi-User Software like
 - Super Admin
 - Admin
 - Lounge Manager
 - SPA Manager
 - Lounge Waiter
 - SPA Waiter
3. Seprate Billing & Selling Reort For SPA and Lounge
4. Table Booking Software
5. Easy to update old Order
6. Responsive Software specially designed for Mobile and Tablet use.
7. Expense Managing Facility
8. Attendance and advance salary management feature.
9. Redeem points adding facility at the time of billing.
10. Lounge & SPA Redeem Points Report
11. Branch Adding Facility.
12. Separate Report for every branch.
13. Staff Adding and their work schedule managing facility
14. Date and Name wise Report searching Facility
15. Track every bill with the help of date
16.Super easy Interface and design

Steps to Install:
1. Extract Downloaded Folder
2. Find ‘nasha.db’
3. Create Database named ‘nasha’ in MySQL
4. Copy nasha.db sql query and paste.
5. Or you can Run ‘php artisan migrate’ on composer / command line.
6. Run project by typing ‘php artisan server’ in your WAMP/ LAMP command line or composer
7. Run ‘php artisan migrate’ on composer / command line.
8. Sign up 
9. Go to users table and convert user type from ‘User’ to ‘Admin’
10. Open admin by typing
11. Now you are ready to go.

    "require": {
        "php": "^7.2.24",
        "fideloper/proxy": "^4.0",
        "intervention/image": "^2.5",
        "laravel/framework": "5.8.*",
        "laravel/passport": "^7.5",
        "laravel/tinker": "^1.0"

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