Next JS 14 Data Fetching Using getServerSideProps


Next JS 14 Data Fetching Using getServerSideProps

Next JS


Step 1: Follow the following link to setup API Routes with MySQL DB

Step 2: Create a 'pages/person/index.jsx' file under root directory 

Step 3: Use the below code to fetch server-side data in Next JS 14 in Page Directory Using getServerSideProps

export default function Index(data) {

    return (
            Name: {[0].name}
            {, index) => (
                <div key={index}>

export async function getServerSideProps() {

    const response = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/api/users');
    if (response.ok) {
        const data = await response.json();
        return { props: { data } }
    } else {
        console.error('Failed to fetch data:', response.statusText);
        return null;


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